Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Photography Challenge: Pets

Faith has a new challenge up! This weeks theme is PETS! THATS ME! But I don't have a picture of me this time. My mommy had a long week and a long weekend. Saturday, her and my daddy left the house and came back with 2 new dogs!! UGH! My mommy was MMMAAAADDDD!!!!! (In case you dont know, there are now 14 of us). She did take a picture though! :) Both puppies are girls. Their names are Reese's and Hershey (like the chocolate that I can't have!). Let me introduce you to Reese's:

She has blue eyes!! Why can't I have blue eyes?? Everybody seems to love her because she has blue eyes. :(

I will introduce you to Hershey later.

In the meantime, go check out other peoples pets at Faiths blog!

And at I Heart Faces!

Sophie Marie

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sox-O-Rama is too funny!

My mommy took this video of my brother Sox a while back. She still laughs her boo-tay off when she watches it. I think that he is just crazyyyy!!!! but I love him!

What do you think about it??


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Nina Pina is home....!!!!!

My mommy was taking pictures for Courtney's iPhoneography link up early this week. She was getting ready for work one morning and I was laying on the bed watching her {and eating a raw hide} and she started taking those pictures! Here they are!

See more pictures of me and my daddy on my mommy's blog
and by clicking the button below.

Oh but wait! Guess what????? Nina came home!!! She was really hurt. :(
The doctor fixed her up good though. We have been playing a little. She gets to stay in the house now too! But she has to sleep in a kennel at night {I think my mommy is afraid Nina may p-p on the floor}. But she gets to hang out with me when my mommy is home! Here is Nina on her way home!!

I am so glad our Nina Pina is home!!!!!!!!!

Sophie Marie {Because my mommy has been using my middle name alot :/ }

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Saturday.....{And a sad time right now}

.....mommy and I are going to see my daddy again!! Yay! Nina is going with us too!

Nina got hurt Tuesday. She left with my mommy yesterday and didn't come home last night! I was so sad that I didnt have my buddy to play with. Mommy said that Nina was at the doctor. When I went to the doctor he poked me (which hurt) but I got to go home with my mommy that day. Nina got hurt by some other BAAADDDD dogs. I tried to help her but I couldn't. :( I miss my Nina Pina! I can't wait for her to come home today! She is going to get to go with my mommy and I to see our daddy this weekend! Road trip in the car!!!! :)

No pictures today.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

It's been a while

.......since I have blogged!  A lot has happened in the last week or so. My daddy is gone and my mommy and I went to visit him! You can see those pictures on my mommy's blog! Her blog will bring you up to date.

Today, my mommy took me and my brothers and sister outside and we took some pictures!! We ran and played...chewed on stick....played tug-a-war with the sticks and visited our neighbor dogs through the fence. Oh! My mommy has been taking me and Nina with her to our neighbors house everyday this week when she goes to visit. Our neighbor has a big fluffy dog and guess what??? Her name is Sophie too! We have so much fun playing together! Here are the pictures from today!


Me & Nina

Me & Sandy playing tug-a-war with a stick

Me & Sox

Linking up with Courtney!!!

Sophie "Sophs" :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Wonderful Weekend

I had a GREAT weekend! My mommies nieces came to stay the weekend and we played and played!! On Saturday, my mommy took all of us to the lake! Jaiden and Anna Grace had sooo much at the beach playing in the sand and the water and playing with my daddy in the water! I had fun running around the beach, chasing my ball and chasing Jaiden & Anna Grace. I ventured into the water a couple times. I went FAR a few times! The water was covering my whole back. Now my mommy, she took me out in the deep water and let me go! I swam all the way back! It was fuunnn! But I didnt want to do it again. My mommy & daddy played volleyball and I followed my mommy the entire time she played. If she moved, I moved with her. I was just trying to help her. I curled up on the beach and took a nap a couple times too. It was so fun and I can't wait to do it again!

Me chilling by my mommies chair

Me venturing into the water

Me playing on the beach

Me taking a nap on the beach

A collage of ME!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Black & White Wednesday

My mommy told me do this one too! It is The Long Road to China Black & White Wednesday's linkup. In the mornings, I get upset when my mom is getting ready for work because I know that she is leaving. I follow her everywhere she goes. This picture was taken on one of those sad mornings. My mommy spent 4 days with me that weekend. That weekend sure was a long one! So I was so sad when she was getting ready. I was so sad that all I wanted to do was curl up and lay on my mommy's bed and watch her put her makeup on. Can you tell how sad I was??


Photo Challenge {Sweet}

My mommy told me that I had to enter Mrs. Faith's Photo Challenge this week because the theme is {Sweet}. So here I am, entering my first photo challenge ever and my first link up. (Like I even know what the means) I chose this photo, well, for what other reason other than it is ME! I think that it's sweet and so does my mommy. :p I hope you do too...


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Crawfish Say What?

This last weekend my mommy and daddy had lots of people over! There were little girls, Jaiden & Anna Grace that played with me so much. I had fun playing with them but they wore me out. Saturday, we went next door to Princess MaKenna's house and I played over there with the kids and all the bugs that were out. Then we went home and later that night my mommy left for a while but when she came back it was time for fun!! My mommy brought home some crawfish! They were alive! My bubba, Sox, got one and was playing with it!!! Then Sandy, Jersey and myself began playing with it too! It was soooo much fun. The little crawfish snapped Sox on his lip!! I was barking and jumping around because it was tooo funny. Haha! BUT THEN! I stuck my nose down there and that little critter snapped me too!! I was not laughing then. We eventually smushed him. That'll teach him to snap us! Later on, Sox and I found the stash of crawfish that my mommy and daddy threw away and we starting eating them!! My mommy didn't like that. She spanked us. I was sooooo tired from the long night. Some of my daddy's friends came over and my mommy was up late with all them. I had to go to bed because I was too tired. My mommy doesn't normally stay up that late! I slept so good Saturday night after a long day of playing! It was the best weekend ever!! I can't wait to do it again! How was your weekend? Did you get to play with anything exciting?


Friday, March 18, 2011

To go or not to go....

I have discovered the world!!!! There is more out there than just my big backyard! The past two days I have ventured out to discover that world. There is one problem...my mommy and daddy dont like it when I venture! WHY NOT!!?!?!?!?! I don't go alone, I am always with my doggie brother or sisters. For some reason, my mommy & daddy do not like us leaving the yard. They yell for us and spank us with a flip flop. I don't like flip flops. I just can't figure out why I can't go explore. I try to go a little further every time. Yesterday, I went across the street to a house where there are some people moving in. My mom came looking for us and made us all go inside. Oh well! We had fun while it lasted!!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Playyyy Timeee!!!!!!

Last Friday my mommy and daddy took me and a bunch of my doggie brothers & sisters down to the lake. We live about 2 miles from the lake and it was pretty outside. We were all sitting outside in our back yard playing with the ball and having fun when my mommy scooped me up and threw me in my daddys truck after putting all the others in kennels on the trailer (yeah I am special, I get to ride in the front of the truck). I think that my doggie brothers & sisters thought that we were going hunting. Nope! Not hunting. We were at the beach!  That was the first time that I have ever been to the lake! I loved running in the sand. I didnt like the water so much. I jumped in once and brrrrrrrrr!! It was cold! I only walked in one time after that. Instead I stayed on the sand running and playing. My mommy took lots of pictures of us playing on the beach. You wanna see?????? Huh? Huh? Ok, I know you do. Here you go.
My daddy throwing the ball for us

Playing Catch
Family Gathering

Me playing with Blue, Twix & Jersey
Just me playing on the beach!
No! I did NOT like the water!
This is Red, she is just a friend of ours
Me chasing Twix & Blue because they took my ball
Sandy fetching the ball &
 Sox waiting on her to get out to jump on her

Daddy throwing the ball for us..
this is where I walked into the water for the 2nd time
Twix trying to take my ball!

I hope that you enjoyed our pictures as much I enjoyed playing at the beach!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Play Time

Me and my doggie sister love to go outside and play! My mommy takes us outside a bunch of times every day. The first thing that Sandy, my doggie sister, does is grab the tennis ball and bring it to our mommy to throw. Sandy can play all day long and never get tired! I dont know how she does it! I try to take the ball from her but she always chases me and takes it out of my mouth. Sometimes my mommy will take it from me too so that she can throw it for Sandy. Even when we go inside, Sandy brings the ball. I take it from her and get on the couch, because Sandy doesnt get on the couch, and thats when I can play with it. Sandy will start making my mommy mad because she wont quit looking for the ball, so my daddy usually puts the ball up. Then it starts all over the next day.....

Here is a pictire of my doggie sister, Sandy, chasing the ball. She sure does a good job, dont you think?


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Who Me??

Two nights ago I was playing in my living room while my mommy and daddy were watching tv. My mommy has this really TALL case with a bunch of her things in it that she wont let me play with. I would love to play with the doll that has the fur on her hat!!! I was walking past the tall thingy and oh my goodness! There was another dog in it that looked just like me! And it was mocking me! Everything that I did, it did. I couldnt understand why the other dog wouldnt come out and play with me! I tried to bark at it, tried to get inside the case, nothing worked! Then I looked over and guess what? My mommy was taking pictures of me with her phone! I didnt like that too much. I was trying to get this other doggy to come out and play with me and here my mommy and daddy are laughing at me and taking pictures! I just dont understand why they were so amused. Can you tell me why?


Friday, March 11, 2011

Plum tuckered out

Last night, after my very first blog post, I got sooo tired. I didn't know blogging was so involved! I had fun making my blog with my mommy and writing my first post. When my mommy was done with my blog she posted a blog post on her blog, Eyeing Memories, to tell her friends about my new blog. And guess what?!?! Mrs. Ashley, from Ramblings and Photos, visited my blog today! She is thinking about making a blog for her kitty named Kitty Paw. That would be so cool! Even though I'm a doggie I would love to see Kitty Paw's blog. So my mommy took a picture of me last night after I finished my blog. Can you tell how tired my first blog post made me?


Thursday, March 10, 2011

My very own blog!

Yay! My mommy made me my very own blog! I am not quite sure what I am going to blog about but I think that this is soo cool! You see, my mommy blogs about her photography over at Eyeing Memories, and now she is writing my blog for me here! I am sure I will talk about chewing on my raw hides, chasing the tennis ball, playing with my doggie brothers & sisters, loving my mommy and daddy, the trips in the car that my mommy takes me on and the pictures that my mommy takes of me and the others doggies! This is going to be so much fun! I hope you like my blog! Please tell all your doggie, kitty, fishy, rabbit and any other friends about my new blog! Tell them to come check it out!
