Friday, March 18, 2011

To go or not to go....

I have discovered the world!!!! There is more out there than just my big backyard! The past two days I have ventured out to discover that world. There is one mommy and daddy dont like it when I venture! WHY NOT!!?!?!?!?! I don't go alone, I am always with my doggie brother or sisters. For some reason, my mommy & daddy do not like us leaving the yard. They yell for us and spank us with a flip flop. I don't like flip flops. I just can't figure out why I can't go explore. I try to go a little further every time. Yesterday, I went across the street to a house where there are some people moving in. My mom came looking for us and made us all go inside. Oh well! We had fun while it lasted!!



Leave me some doggone love!